The Liebster Award!

award liebster tag question

Soooo, I got nominated by Kelly Figlios for the Liebster Award, some kind of a Q&A Tag, and I’m super excited, even if it’s my very first, and I have no clue about it.
I’ll do my best.
So let’s begin with the questions!

1-Describe yourself in 5 words (OK, so it’s not technically a question but…)

Extrovert, artist, talker, crazy, spiritual.

2-What is the reason you started blogging?

One of my best friends convinced me to start a YouTube channel and a blog, and I said, why not?

3-Most common topic that you blog about?

I love DIY and tutorials, those are also the things I like the most to read about, along with fashion topics. But I also plan on adding a few recipes (since I’m a chef).

4-Favourite blog that you follow?

A Pair And A Spare, by Geneva Vanderzeil

5-Favourite season? Why?

Summer, because, sun and beach, aren’t they enough reasons to love it?

6-Any other hobby/ies? (Besides blogging!)

Singing, dancing, acting, painting, I’m the performer type haha.

7-Do you have any pets?

No 😦

8-Chocolate or candy?

Chocolate, because it’s salad.


9-If you had to cook a meal for someone else, what would your signature dish be?

Anything spicy, my friends and family know how much I love spicy food.

10-If you had to choose, would you rather watch a movie or read a book?

If it’s FX worthy, I’d watch a movie, if it’s anything else, I’d read a book. Did that make sence?

11-If you could pack your bags and go on vacation at this very moment, where would you go?


Bonus track:

Expecto patronum! What animal did you conjure?

An unicorn.

Here are the rules (I guess each blogger gets to change them a little bit):

-Add the Liebster Award logo into your blog post (and blog if you wish), which announces your nomination.
-Answer the questions given and then come up with 7 new ones to ask your nominations. (It was supposed to be 10, but lucky number 7 to me!)
-Nominate (at least) 5 other blogs, let them know that they have been nominated, and link to them in your own announcement.
-In your blog post, tag/link the person who nominated you.
-Try to tag people who have not yet been tagged

So here are the questions I came up with.

1-Why did you start blogging?
2-What city would you like to live and why?
3-Favorite music genre?
4-If you get the chance to learn another language, what would it be?
5-Last movie you saw?
6-A 2015 goal?
7-What’s your job?

And my nominated are:
Christina Campbell Hughes
Fifashion Bobeauty
Dodo Said

I hope you enjoyed this.


A new start

Hi everyone! I’m Nikki and I decided to start this blog to explain a little more the tutorials I’m gonna be uploading in youtube from now on and to have a place to share a few aspects of my life.
Today I’m uploading the first video on my channel, so if anyone ever sees it, I hope you like it. 🙂